Fudcon Tempe flickr pool..please add your pics.

2 02 2011

I have created a flickr pool for FUDCon Tempe. It’s an open group, and you can add as many pictures as you want. If you are uploading the pictures to flickr, please add them to this group too. Thanks.f

26.50 USD, fedora-medical tracking bug, package reviews, and FUDCon.

1 02 2011

Day 2 at FUDCon turned out to be a productive day. I decided to go shopping for some hands which can help me with the medical spin. The lightning talk went well and was well received. As I mentioned, the main problem with this project right now is packaging and package reviews.

Someone (probably Smooge) pointed out that Tibbs has promised to do ten reviews in exchange for a t-shirt. Instantly, 26.50 USD were collected for medical spin and the t-shirt. Ian, who was administering the talks looked very confused with all the money in his hand. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Christoph added a tracking bug for fedora medical in bugzilla, which will be very helpful.

After the talk, I sat down with Christoph reviewing packages and learning tidbits of packaging. Adamwill and Tim joined us. It was an afternoon well spent. It took a long time to review things, but I learned quite a few things.

On the QA part, Adamwilll pointed out that Robatino produces the deltas for (N-1) Final -> N Final, so one need not download the whole ISO again and again, which is not easy in most of the places. This is something I was thinking for a long time, and I am happy now.

In the evening, Herlo gave me lots of Fedora Media and Case Badges, which will be very useful.

It’s a pity that I had to come back to Fort Collins today and could not attend the hackfest, but it was very nice to meet old friends and meeting all the people I have talked over IRC. Hope we will meet again.

A big thanks to FUDCon organisers, who did a fabulous job.

Lastly, I took quite a few pictures, which I shall sort and upload by tomorrow.


30 11 2009

So it’s time. I am landing on the second day, but that should not be a problem.

I am looking forward to meeting old and new friends, get some works done and have a few brainstorming sessions.

We are having “Fedora Project of the day” on 2nd Dec, so if you are around, join us.

See you and meet you there. ๐Ÿ™‚

Periodic updates will follow.

(I am) Running for FAmSCo Election.

21 11 2008

Nominated and encouraged ๐Ÿ™‚ by Sankarshan da, I decided to run for Ambassadors steering committee Election in this December.

At first I was apprehensive whetherย  I would be able to do justice to the job, but it seemed to be a challenge worth taking up.

So here goes my nomination and agenda.

Looks like I am the only one from India and APAC (Asia Pacific) running for it.

Today I have a talk on Fedora.

29 08 2008

Today, a couple of hours later(~11 IST), I have a talk at a local engineering college.

Sadly, I am not being able to motivate myself enough to attend it the right way.

First reason is I had a bad sleep.

Second reason is, non availability of resources from part of Fedora Project.

I always hear about abundance of media (CD/DVD). In my case, though I requested it a couple of months back, it failed to turn up.

Well, I do understand that it may be due to some unavoidable reason, may be delay on the manufacturer’s part or may be something else, but… a promise is always a promise and all I know is I could not keep my promise to the event organisers.

I am not at all easy with that.

A Event, Kolkata, India

25 08 2008

We have a linux event, TechTrix’08 here at Kolkata.

Its on 29th Aug, at a local Engineering college.

Its a short event, so the talks are restricted to three.

One is by Sayamindu(OLPC). One by Me(Fedora) and one by Indranil DasGupta(L2C2/ilug-cal).

I am yet to receive the CD/DVD for it, but that is being taken care of and hope to receive before event.

Will update again after the event.

Mirror stats and openoffice .

18 04 2008

We have got listed in OpenOffice mirror and

after a long time, I have got these back on line….

Usage of http which serves CRAN, Mozilla, OpenOffice and LDP.

Usage of ftp which is for Fedora only.

Cumulatively they are serving over 55G a day. ๐Ÿ™‚